Developing Global Diversity and Inclusion Standards

The Centre for Global Inclusion | Home of the GDIB

Developed by the Centre for Global Inclusion, the Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World (or for short, the GDIB) are a significant development for the world of Diversity and Inclusion. The GDIB were developed by 3 co-authors and 95 expert panelists and can be downloaded here and may be freely used subject to signing a permission agreement here.

One of the GDIB co-authors, Nene Molefi, has also published a book entitled “A Journey of Diversity & Inclusion In South Africa: Guidelines for leading inclusively”. Please read more about the book here as well as an article from the Mail & Guardian about some of her work with the Appeal Court in South Africa here.

Please also have a look at a recent article from Harvard Business Review called 5 Strategies for Creating an Inclusive Workplace as well as a more detailed one called 10 Effective Strategies to build a Diverse and Inclusive Workplace written by Tom Wells. Both of these are packed with practical and workable ideas for building inclusion on a daily basis.

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